Community expectations

Code of Conduct

Effective date: June 15, 2024

This Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to creating a respectful, safe, and inclusive environment for all participants. It details our zero-tolerance policy on harassment, mandatory consent guidelines, and the expectations for behavior at our events.

Our Mission

At The Rubber Federation, we mobilize and bring order to the global network of Rubber Kinksters. We equip members with educational resources, provide a platform to spread awareness, and empower those looking to develop their rubber identity and sense of community.

Who We Are

The Rubber Federation is a social organization for individuals with an interest in latex, industrial rubber, gummi, neoprene, wetsuits, waders, rubber boots, gas masks, and other related gear. While we identify as LGBTQ+, our membership and event participation are open to all over 18 (21 where required by law). We are not primarily a “play group”; therefore, an interest in “rubber sex” is not necessary for involvement.

Beliefs & Intentions

The Rubber Federation is committed to fostering an environment where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and decency. We expect all participants, including attendees, leadership, producers, venue staff, volunteers, entertainers, and hired professionals, to behave in a manner that aligns with this Code of Conduct.

Participation is open to all individuals regardless of body type, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, abilities, or disabilities, and all persons over 18, or 21 when required by law.

Ownership of latex/rubber gear is not a requirement for participation. For events with an Enforced Dress Code (EDC), the dress-code will be enforced assuming event content and advertisement material states the strict entry requirement prior to the event start date and time; giving attendees proper notice to comply.

While we strive to make our events accessible to everyone, we encourage anyone with specific accessibility needs to contact the event coordinator or board at

The Rubber Federation stands with Black Lives Matter and believes Trans Lives Matter. Trans men are men, and Trans women are women. We aim to create safer spaces for marginalized Rubber Kinksters and fetishists.

Anti-Harassment Policy

We have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and safety violations, including but not limited to:

  • Stalking, intimidation, or threats of violence
  • Physical assault or battery
  • Psychological abuse
  • Non-consensual photography or recording
  • Repeated disruptions
  • Bathroom policing
  • Unwelcome physical contact or attention
  • Brandishing or possessing banned weapons
  • Public intoxication that endangers others
  • Sharing personal information without consent
  • Displays of hate or bigotry based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, body size, physical or mental ability, appearance, religion, citizenship, reproductive rights, HIV status, health, financial status, or consensual kink interests

Without explicit consent, the following actions are prohibited:

  • Touching or grabbing collars
  • Touching or pulling tails
  • Popping or breaking latex
  • Applying substances to someone’s gear
Reporting Violations

Anyone can report harassment to event staff or security at any time. If you feel uncomfortable or witness harassment, contact event staff or security immediately. Event staff can provide escorts, safe spaces, or other assistance. In severe cases, law enforcement may be contacted. Reports can also be sent via email to

Consequences of Misconduct

Violation of this Code of Conduct will result in immediate action, which may include expulsion from the event and prohibition from future events without refund. This policy applies to all participants. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Upon request, those expelled will be provided a written explanation of our decision.

Reinstatement Procedure

Individuals banned from The Rubber Federation events can petition for reinstatement by emailing The email must include:

  • A detailed account of why the ban was issued
  • Names of involved parties
  • Contact information for involved parties
  • Documentation of any resolution or reparative actions taken
  • A commitment to follow the Code of Conduct

Reinstatement requires approval from The Rubber Federation Board and verification of reparative actions. Efforts will be made to contact harmed individuals for their input. Decisions may be put to a vote if the Board cannot reach a majority decision. The Founder of The Rubber Federation will receive an extra vote in order to break any votes that result in an even tie.

Guidelines for Behavior
  • Avoid breaking or popping latex.
  • Colors on gear do not necessarily indicate specific fetishes.
  • Use humor respectfully and avoid being disrespectful.
  • Be mindful of deodorants and fragrances, as they can harm latex and affect those with sensitivities.
  • Cross-gear hazards should be considered—pins, studs, and metal zippers can damage latex.
  • Always ask before taking or posting photos.
  • Do not touch or fetishize BIPOC’s hair.
  • Be aware of latex allergies and practice consent diligently.
Questions & Updates

This document will be visited annually and updated as frequently needed. If you have any inquiries on the above statements, please contact us at

This Code of Conduct has been made possible by the work and inspiration provided by the Chicago Rubber Club. They've provided us with a foundation to helping keep our community safe.