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Uniting rubber Kinksters

Prepare to find everything Rubber in one place. Easily find Rubber clubs, vendors, events, resources, expert guidance, and more.

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June 15th #RUBBERDAY
International Latex day
June 15th #RUBBERDAY
International Latex day
June 15th #RUBBERDAY
International Latex day
June 15th #RUBBERDAY
International Latex day
June 15th #RUBBERDAY
International Latex day
Round 1 Features

Explore what we're building

We have so many features that we can't wait to release. Everything from clubs, events, vendors, starter guides, and so much more.

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Club Features

Exciting Rubber Club Features

Get ready for a global club search, club website hosting, creation guidelines, organizational tips, and more to elevate your rubber community experience.

Global Club Search
Custom Club Website Hosting & Creation
Club Creation Guidelines
Organizational Tips
Club Asset Templates
The San Diego rubber club members.
Event Features

Attract Rubber Kinksters to Events

Look forward to a global event search, personalized event suggestions, custom landing pages, sponsorship opportunities, and more.

Global Event Search
Site-wide Event Suggestions
Custom Landing Page Hosting & Creation
Sponsorship Opportunities
Member Discounts and Early Access
Rubber puppy person at a parade.
Vendor Features

Feature your rubber products

Anticipate suggested vendors, a global vendor search, and exclusive sponsorship opportunities to promote your business or find gear that you've been begging for.

Global Vendor Search
Site-wide Vendor Suggestions
Sponsorship Opportunities
Member Exclusive Discounts
Rubber dog person on all fours in an abandoned building.

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new releases

Stay ahead of the curve in the world of rubber. Join our newsletter to receive exclusive updates on events, features, and community news.

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What do Rubber Kinksters think?

"I wish I had this website when I started my Rubber Kinkster journey. Everything you could need about clubs, events, vendors, and more on everything Rubber."
Profile photo of Rubber Slimp.

Rubber Slimp


"Finally, a centralized and comprehensive events page that can show local to worldwide rubber events to help me organize and plan my kinky adventures!"
Profile photo of Recode.



Release Notes

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Your gateway to the latest updates, features, and decisions shaping the dynamic world of the Rubber Federation.

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Contact us for any inquiries, from getting involved, to sponsorship opportunities and beyond – we're here to help. Reach us at